Better Business Bureau

Better Business Bureau

Browning Enterprise has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and has been accredited since September of 2010.It has gained this rating with products like Commercial Building Steel Components for a multiple of customers. The BBB Business Profiles are used to inform the public about industries and companies that may require professional licensing, bonding, or registration and rate them according to the Better Business Bureau review.


BBB also promotes truth in advertising. They do so by contacting advertisers and the company in question whose claims are conflicting with the BBB Code of Advertising. If a company protests, BBB asks advertisers to substantiate the claims of advertising. Or the advertisers can change their ads to make their offers more clear to consumers, and remove misleading or deceptive statements from their advert.

 Commercial Building Steel Components

Moreover, the Better Business Bureau is known for reporting on known significant government actions involving the business’s marketplace conduct on their website or in their official releases. It does the same for a company that is out of business for one year from the date the company closes its doors or ceases to do business and also for a business in bankruptcy, for as long as the business remains in bankruptcy.


BBB goes in deep enough to report even when mail sent to the business is returned by the Postal Service.

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